Friday, August 21, 2009

Josiah Chambers

This is my adorable nephew, Josiah, and it’s a rare occasion to get him to hold still for a picture, let alone strike a good pose. Josiah has such a calm and peaceful presence and could probably have a future in modeling. Besides his perfectly cute stare, the soft lighting is what I love most about this picture.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Italian Dinner

This photograph represents an Italian Dinner that was put on by Rebekah Ball. We had an amazing time of fellowship and ate at some amazing authentic Italian food, and even photographed some fun still-life shots. The wine glasses, wine bottles, lightly toasted bread, and bowl of bruschetta were all naturally organized and made for a wonderful picture that displays culture and atmosphere.

Farm Land

I snapped this shot in St. Cloud, FL while I was on my way home from work one evening. It came at a very unexpected moment, but sometimes those type of situations can be the best. I like this picture because it reveals the simplistic and relaxed lifestyle of Forida country.